Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment #6
". . . . . Great complaint has been made, that Congress [under the Articles] has been too liberal in their grants of salaries to individuals, and I think not without just cause. For if I am rightly informed, there have been men whose salaries have been fifteen hundred dollars per year, and some of them did not do business at any rate, that the sum they negotiated would amount to their yearly salary. And some men [are] now in office, at twenty five hundred dollars per year, who I think would have been glad to have set down at one hundred pounds a year before the war, and would have done as much or more business. The truth is, when you carry a man’s salary beyond what decency requires, he immediately becomes a man of consequence, and does little or no business at all. Let us cast our eyes around us, in the other departments-the judges of the superior court have but about one hundred pounds salary a year. The judges of the courts of common pleas, on an average, not more than sixty dollars per year. The ministers of the gospel-a very valuable set of men, who have done honor to themselves, and rendered great service to their country, in completing the revolution-have salaries but from sixty to an hundred pounds a year in general. The contrast is striking. I heartily wish that all ranks of men among us, ministers of the gospel as well as others, would turn their attention toward the Constitution they may be more concerned in the event than they at present think of"".

This particular piece of writing is trying to say that Congress has been giving way too much money out. The author feels that congress is paying some people way more than they are actually worth. This is because the author says that certain people who are getting an inflated salary annually are people who do no business at all and subsequently do not deserve it. While on the other hand there are those who's salary is small and contribute greatly to society. So this person thinks that the constitution in this aspect needs to fixed or light needs to be shed on it. I picked this article because I understand the authors concerns in regards to salaries. An issue like this could cause major problems because money is unfairly being paid to people who rightfully did not earn it. If They would have worked hard for the huge salary that would have been okay, but to pay someone less who is actually of value to society while you are paying a who is of less value is morally wrong.

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